"ISIS Is Systematically Beheading Children And Raping And Killing The Mothers And Fathers"
According to a report via CNN, a Chaldean-American businessman has said that killings have started in Mosul and children's heads are being erected on poles in a city park. However, SAYS cannot independently verify the authenticity of any such report at this moment.
"Christianity in Mosul is dead, and a Christian holocaust is in our midst," said Mark Arabo, a Californian businessman and a national representative for the Chaldean, or Christian Iraqi, community, in an interview with CNN's Jonathan Mann
Mark Arabo called what's happening in Iraq a "Christian genocide" and said "children are being beheaded, mothers are being raped and killed, and fathers are being hung."

"Right now, three thousand Christians are in Iraq fleeing to neighboring cities," he told Mann. Arabo is calling on the international community to follow France's lead and offer the Christians of Iraq asylum.
"You're startling me with the severity of what you're describing," the CNN host said. "You said they are beheading children?"
"They are systematically beheading children," Arabo repeated slowly. "And mothers and fathers. The world hasn't seen an evil like this for generations."

"There's actually a park in Mosul where they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick... this is crimes against humanity. They are doing the most horrendous, the most heart-breaking crimes that you can think of."
Mann asked about the ISIS letter sent to Christians in Mosul, demanding that they either convert to Islam, pay a fine or be put to "death by the sword"
"It's very clear they are killing people, but are Christians managing to escape by paying a fine?" he asked. Arabo reports that after Christians pay the fine, the fighters take the Christian wives and children "and make them their wives - so it's really convert, or die."
Arabo told CNN that ISIS thugs "are absolutely killing every Christian they see"
"This is absolutely a genocide in every sense of the word. They want everyone to convert, and they want sharia law to be the law of the land."
CNSNews.com notes that a "quick scan of YouTube shows the truth of what Arabo is saying — there are gruesome videos of heads on spikes, and many of live beheadings"
A quick scan of Youtube shows the truth of what Arabo is saying - there are gruesome videos of heads on spikes, and many of live beheadings (one poor Christian is forced to say the Shahada 'there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet' and then beheaded anyway.)

This tweet, reported by CNSNews.com, shows Yazidi children who escaped the fighters by fleeing to the mountains, but have died from lack of food and water there:
According to Arabo, around 95 percent of Christians have fled the city, while an estimated five percent have converted to Islam
He also said ISIS militants have placed so-called "death stamps" on Christian homes, ensuring that whoever returns is murdered. Refugees in another part of Iraq have fled to the mountains, but to no avail. According to reports, ISIS militants have surrounded them and are now waiting for them to die of starvation and exposure.