
Johor Prince Hints At Running In GE15 With An Instagram Story

Tunku Temenggong Johor Tunku Idris Iskandar's post has since disappeared.

Cover image via RTM/Instagram

Tunku Temenggong Johor Tunku Idris Iskandar has hinted on Instagram his intention to contest in the 15th General Election

The Instagram Story by Tunku Idris Iskandar.

Image via Sin Chew Daily

The 31-year-old prince recently wrote in an Instagram Story that he's "running" in the next general election. 

The Instagram Story has since disappeared after its 24-hour shelf life. 

Tunku Idris also activated a poll in the Instagram Story for the possible parliamentary seats he should contest in

Image via RTM

The prince allowed users to vote for either Muar or Mersing parliamentary seats in his Instagram Story.

It is believed that he was asking for netizens' opinions on the seat he should contest in for the 15th General Election, according to Sin Chew Daily

The Muar parliamentary seat gained 75% of netizens' votes. 

In an Instagram post as a follow up to the Story, the prince was urged by a netizen to "focus 100 percent" if he was serious about running in the 15th General Election

One commenter on the Instagram post wrote, "If you're going to run, you will have to focus 100 percent and not spend time flying helicopters and racing cars".

However, in response to the comment, Tunku Idris stressed that he will not give up his "hobbies".

"Wrong, I will still carry on with my hobbies. That’s what keep people sane. And you can focus 100% and still fail. I will fly whenever I want because it’s not the government’s helicopter," the prince wrote.

What do you think about the prince's intention to run in the next general election? Let us know in the comments below.

Tunku Idris' Instagram Story came less than a week after current Muar Member of Parliament (MP) Syed Saddiq accused his elder brother of meddling in Malaysia's politics:

In other news, Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had a few words for the prince's elder brother, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim after the latter recently told a crowd to "change the PM":

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