
[JUST IN] There Are 106 New Confirmed Cases Of COVID-19 In Malaysia

There is currently a total of 1,624 COVID-19 cases in the country.

Cover image via Choo Choy May/Malay Mail & Malaysia Today

Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah just announced that there are 106 new COVID-19 cases today, 24 March

During the press conference announcing the daily COVID-19 updates, he said that this brings the number of cases in Malaysia to a total of 1,624.

Out of the 106 new cases, 43 of them are linked to the the Sri Petaling Jamek Mosque tabligh gathering. Dr Noor Hisham also added that the remaining 63 are from clusters that are still being investigated.

As of today, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has recorded 15 coronavirus-related deaths

Out of the 15 deaths, 10 of them were from the tabligh cluster while the rest contracted the virus while travelling overseas.

A senior citizen from Melaka who passed away today around 5am in the morning is the latest person to die of COVID-19 in Malaysia.

MOH suspects that the 71-year-old had come into contact with another COVID-19 positive person who had attended the tabligh gathering.

64 patients are currently receiving treatment in Intensive Care Units around the nation, with 27 of them requiring breathing assistance

Meanwhile, 24 people have fully recovered and they were discharged from the hospital today. 

Remember to #JustStayAtHome. Watch the latest update on the COVID-19 situation:

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