
Man Faces Goat He Had Sex With In Court #RandomWednesday

28-year-old Katana Kitsao Gona was sentenced to 10 years in jail after admitting he had sex with a goat. Happy (or not so) Random Wednesday!

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1. "A Malindi Court Has Sentenced A Man To 10 Years In Prison For Defiling A...Goat."

Screen grab from a news report of Katana Kitsao Gona's charges in court.

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2. "It Is In Rare Occasion That An Animal Is Presented In Court As Evidence To A Case."

Screen grab from a news report of Katana Kitsao Gona's charges in court.

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3. "A She-goat...Was Present, Watching Quietly As Alleged Assailant Was Sentenced."

Screen grab from a news report of Katana Kitsao Gona's charges in court.

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4. "The Prosecution Told The Court That Kitsa Was Caught In The Act - The Man Was Passing By The Bush Where The Incident Was Taking Place."

Screen grab from a news report of Katana Kitsao Gona's charges in court.

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5. "10 Years For Bestiality Was A New Record In This Malindi Court Room."

Screen grab from a news report of Katana Kitsao Gona's charges in court.

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Katana Kitsao Gona, a 28-year-old man from Kenya, was sentenced to 10 years in jail after admitting he had sex with a goat, KTN Kenya reported Friday, 29 Nov 2013.
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The goat’s owner was alerted and arrived at the scene with other residents who also witnessed Gona having sex with the animal. He was arrested by police and a medical examination confirmed sexual abuse had taken place.

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