Large Protest Against Population White Paper Policy In Singapore
Government planned that in 2030, Singapore has 6.5 to 6.9 million population which non-foreigners just slightly more than half of the total set at 3.6 to 3.8 million population. On February 16, 2013 nearly 3,000 people made a rally to protest it concerning of future deterioration of public service and increasing of cost of living.
Thousands Protest In Singapore At Immigration Plans
More than 2000 people attended Singapore’s biggest protest in decades on Saturday to demand curbs on immigration amid growing public anger over an expected surge in the foreign population
afr.comNo arrests were made and only a handful of uniformed policemen were seen around the rally venue, a grassy park where protests are allowed without a police permit at a spot known as Speakers' Corner. stage a rare demonstration in protest at government plans to allow more immigration. Singapore demonstration took place at Speakers’ Corner in a park on the edge of Singapore’s financial district, which is not covered by strict controls on assembly
irishtimes.comThe Population White Paper Policy
The Population White Paper published by the National Population and Talent Division could have just focused on the biggest problem that Singapore is currently facing..
theonlinecitizen.comParliament has passed the amended motion and endorsed the Population White Paper, “A Sustainable Population for a Dynamic Singapore”.
population.sgDemographics of Singapore
Singapore is a multicultural country with a majority population of Chinese (74 percent), with substantial Malay (13 percent) and Indian minorities (9.2 percent).