
LOCKDOWN: 2 Per Household Allowed To Go Out For Essential Supplies Within 10KM Radius

While there is no curfew being imposed during the two-week total lockdown, Ismail Sabri advised the public not to be out after 8pm.

Cover image via New Straits Times

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Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has announced new rules for the total lockdown from 1 to 14 June

Under the total lockdown, all economic and social activities will be shut.

Only 17 economic sectors are allowed to operate during this two week period.

Only two per household are allowed to leave home

The purpose has to be for essential supplies only such as food or to seek medical help.

Their movement has to be limited to within 10km radius.

Meanwhile, activities that involve no more than two people such as jogging, etc can continue.

While there is no curfew being imposed during the two-week total lockdown, Ismail Sabri advised the public not to be out after 8pm

This, as all shops and premises can only open from 8am to 8pm during the lockdown.

Remember to limit your movement and keep practising physical distancing. Watch the latest update on the COVID-19 situation:

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