
Loving Dad Brings His Child A Thrown-Away Teddy Bear Because He Couldn't Afford A New One

Damn ninjas cutting onions.

Cover image via Azri Walter (Facebook)

A man recently went viral after he shared the story of a wholesome encounter he had on the way to work

On Tuesday, 22 September, Facebook user Azri Walter uploaded a few photos along with a caption that read, "I was on the way to my office in Putrajaya. The roads were empty. I was driving while taking in the evening breeze. When I reached a traffic light, I saw a man on a motorcycle."

"I saw that he was carrying something. I went closer and checked it out. He was carrying a huge teddy bear."

When asked about the gigantic toy, the man on the motorcycle explained that he found it in a landfill and was taking it home to his child

"My kid wants a teddy bear. Saw one at a store yesterday but it was so expensive. [The money] could be used to buy food for the family," he added while letting out a laugh.

"I found this in a landfill, it's still in good condition. It's just my kid's luck. I'll clean it up later, they'll definitely love it."

Azri said that the encounter made him reflect on himself and how a father's love is immeasurable

After the man said that he was gifting the teddy bear to his child, Azri was speechless.

Before they went their separate ways, Azri said, "Be careful, brother. It's about to rain. You are the best dad."

In his post, Azri noted, "Just like that, God gave me a reminder. No matter what we are going through, someone out there has it harder than us."

"That's the love of a father. We may always hear about the sacrifices of mothers and other women. Nonetheless, don't forget the sacrifices made by men. They leave home to look put food on the table every day. Let it be rain or shine. No one knows what they go through to make sure there's rice on a plate for the family."

Many netizens were moved by Azri's story and agreed that a father's love is priceless

One person commented, "Oh God, this is so sad to hear. This is the sacrifice of a father. Fathers always keep quiet when they're struggling, what's important is that their wife and kids are happy."

Image via Facebook

"The sacrifice of a father. To those whose parents are still alive, you still have time to repay all their immeasurable kindness. Once you become the head of a family, then you'll understand how it feels to love a child," wrote another netizen.

Image via Facebook

One user also said, "May heaven be the place for you. A father who is a good example for his children and family. May God bless you even more."

Image via Facebook

Read the full post here:

Tadi saya nak pergi ke ofis di Putrajaya. Jalan lengang waktu itu. Saya memandu sambil chill layan angin petang. Waktu...

Posted by Azri Walter on Tuesday, September 22, 2020

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