
M'sian Working In S'pore Bursts Into Tears After Receiving Raya Package From Kampung

Another challenging Raya season for many Malaysians who are far away from their families.

Cover image via @matd97 (TikTok)

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A Malaysian man working in Singapore recently went viral for sharing a video of himself opening a package from his family

On 1 May, TikTok user @matd97 uploaded a short clip along with a caption that read, "Got this sent from my hometown. Felt so emotional in the morning. Tears when I opened the box."

The video has since garnered over 58,300 likes and 4,077 comments.

The man, whose real name is Daud, can be seen trying to smile through tears after opening a package filled with Hari Raya essentials

In the package, there were snacks such as popiah simpul, popiah nestum, and different types of kerepek.

His family in Besut, Terengganu, also sent him a brand new baju Melayu set complete with a samping and even a prayer mat.

Many users left words of encouragement for him in the comments section

One person wrote, "Be patient okay. I understand that you are all here to earn money for your families. Make your heart strong. Regards to you and all Malaysians."

Image via TikTok

"Be patient ya. God willing, next year you'll be able to celebrate Hari Raya with your family. Pray for these cases to drop soon. Amin," wrote another netizen.

Image via TikTok

Another user said, "Be patient everyone. Take care of yourselves and your health so we can all go back to our hometowns in good health."

Image via TikTok

Watch the TikTok here:


Dapaat Kirim Dari Kampung “rasa sebak gila pagi2 Buka Kotak Adaa ...” #rayadiperantauan #rindukeluarga

original sound - KassimSelamat - KassimSelamat

McDonald's Singapore previously released a commercial that 'reunites' Malaysian who cannot cross the Causeway to celebrate Ramadan with their loved ones at home:

The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has warned that there will be no leniency towards individuals trying to sneak across state borders to balik kampung during the festive season:

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