
Heartbreaking Photos Of Malaysians Uniting In Prayer For MH370

Heartbreaking images have emerged from Malaysia, as thousands gathered to invoke the power of prayer to aid the massive multinational search operation for flight MH370, which disappeared without a trace early Saturday.

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Members of the public, MAS staff, and politicians were united this Friday as they prayed together at the National Mosque during a special prayer for passengers on MH370

United in hope, thousands gathered at the national mosque

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Thousands gathered to invoke the power of prayer to aid the massive multinational SAR Operations for MH370, which disappeared without a trace early Saturday

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A man prays alone after the special prayer

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As the SAR Operations have entered its Day 8 today, without much of any credible info so far, these locals put their hopes on prayers

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A MAS employee writes a message for passengers onboard MH370 at Kuala Lumpur International Airport

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Young and old, everyone came together on Friday to offer prayers to the passengers of MH370

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Seen here is a Malaysian Muslim crying as she offers prayers for the passengers of MH370

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While the whole country is anxiously waiting for a miracle to happen, these people were seen praying in faith for the the safety of all those onboard MH370

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Investigations: At SAYS, we keep you updated with verified MH370 news that matter and stay on-course with investigations

The people: All that you should know about the captain, the crew and the passengers of MH370

Support: Moving ways in which MH370 has united citizens all over the world

Social media: How your social media posts are affecting families and friends of MH370 passengers

Crisis management: What analysts and experts have to say about Malaysia's management of the MH370 crisis

Dr. M's response to critics: How Dr. M voiced out in response to criticisms of Malaysia's handling of MH370 crisis

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