
Malaysian Police Will Monitor Pokémon GO To Decide If It Should Be Banned

To see if it poses any threat to the nation's security, IGP Khalid said.

Cover image via The Malay Mail Online And YouTube

Pokémon GO is yet to be officially released in Malaysia.

However, that hasn't stopped IGP Khalid Abu Bakar from saying that police will monitor the location-based augmented reality game!

While speaking to reporters after attending Aidilfitri celebration at police HQs in Melaka, he said the game has caused several issues in other countries including road accidents.

Therefore, police "will monitor the situation first before deciding if it should be banned", the country's top cop was quoted as saying by astro AWANI.

Image via SOY

"This is a game. If it is against the law, then we will take action."

— IGP Khalid Abu Bakar as quoted by astro AWANI

The IGP added that the game will be game if it is not against the law.

However, if Pokémon GO has elements such as gambling or incites hatred, the Malaysian police will take action against it.

The IGP said that when the game is launched in Malaysia, police have no plans to ban cops from playing it, provided that it does not involve illegal betting or poses any threat to national security

"Pokemon Go? It has yet to enter Malaysia, right? Well, it is not a problem for now. We have not seen any reason to impose a ban (on policemen) from playing it."

According to reports, IGP Khalid was responding to a question whether Malaysia would be following Indonesia's move in banning its police and military officers from playing Pokémon GO

On the other hand, Shahrizan Daud at-Turabi, a local preacher, has claimed that the game is dangerous and violates Islamic teachings

“Pokemon Go endangers the life of a person as there are reports stating that people entered restricted areas just to catch a Pokemon monster,” he was quoted as saying.

Shahrizan, who described himself on his Facebook page as an inspirational trainer and television programme host, said such actions will affect the development of Muslims.

Don't know what Pokémon GO is? Here you go:

And when Pokémon GO finally arrives in Malaysia, expect this:

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