
All Of You Who Live Abroad Are Unpatriotic

"Brain drain, what brain drain? There is no brain drain here."

Cover image via Malay Mail Online

UMNO Supreme Council member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman has lashed out at Malaysians who are living abroad, calling them "unpatriotic"

"These people must change their mindset, be patriotic; don't live outside the country, (that is) not patriotic at all," Tajuddin said.

"(They talked about) brain drain, what brain drain? There is no brain drain here," he said.

He said that Malaysians who migrated have a misconception that there were not enough resources in the country.

Reminding the media to stop putting the government in a bad light, the Pasir Salak MP said that Malaysians should opt to live in their home country due to the booming local opportunities

“Stop this type of politicking. We are interested in bringing up the country, to develop the country," the Pasir Salak MP said.

“Let’s work together. If there’s anything you want to contribute, give us your ideas and your proposals."

“Talk about national development. The rakyat has to work hard, change its mindset instead of complaining about how they are not getting this treatment or that treatment.”

With the number of Malaysians opting to live abroad increasing rapidly, the nation is currently facing a serious brain drain problem

Image via CariGold

According to the World Bank's 2015 report, the number of Malaysians living in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries has been increasing, from 121,000 in 1990 to 311,000 in 2010.

The report also said that 72 percent of Malaysians cited career opportunities as their main reason for living abroad.

Meanwhile, Malaysians living abroad that have completed tertiary education fell slightly but remained stable in the last decade – from 56.5 percent in 2000 to 54.5 percent in 2010.

According to a survey by British recruitment firm, Hays, 93% of Malaysians are willing to leave the country in search of jobs and better experience

Image via KoreaITTimes

In its regional survey, recruitment firm Hays found that just seven per cent of Malaysians would not move abroad for better job prospects, career advancement or better lifestyles.

This mobility is compounded by a previous Hays study that showed five per cent of the Malaysian workforce exited the country annually, with Singapore being the prime destination.

“The opportunity to gain highly valued international experience is the number one factor driving local talent overseas,” says Christine Wright, managing director of Hays in Asia.

Speaking about migration and greener pastures, the Home Ministry recently revealed that more than 54,000 Malaysians have renounced their citizenship since the year 2010

“In this matter, the reason given for their surrender (of citizenship) is because they have chosen not to continue their Malaysian citizenship, and have obtained citizenship in another country,” Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said.

The figures showed that in January this year alone, 1,102 people renounced their citizenship.

But 2011 recorded the highest number of cases, with 11,080 Malaysians renouncing their citizenship.

Meanwhile, these Malaysians who chose to live abroad shared why they migrated, and their love for the country:

While Tajuddin has pointed out that there are plenty of job opportunities in Malaysia, the decisions by these local professionals to work in '3D' (dirty, difficult and dangerous) sectors abroad says otherwise:

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