
Malaysians Who Eat Cakes With This "Special Ingredient" Can Be Jailed For Up To 2 Years

Intoxicating cakes?

Cover image via The Telegraph UK

In an unexpected turn of events, the Kuala Lumpur Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department chief has issued a warning against consuming cakes laced with poppy seeds

KL Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department chief SAC Wan Abdullah Ishak

Image via The Sun Daily

City Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department chief SAC Wan Abdullah Ishak said consumers if found positive for drugs, "even if they denied it", could be charged in court.

"If they are subjected to a urine test and found positive for drugs, they will be detained.

"They can be charged under Section 15(1) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, which carries a maximum two years' jail or RM5,000 fine, for taking drugs," added Kuala Lumpur Narcotics CID chief, SAC Wan Abdullah Ishak.

Image via PhilStar Global

According to Wan Abdullah, the police had detected cases where poppy seeds, illegal to consume in Malaysia, were added to cakes to allegedly boost sale.

"Even with possession of less than five grams of ganja from the poppy plant, is an offence which carries a maximum five years' jail and fine on conviction," he warned.

The KL Narcotics chief pinned the reason for this restriction on the authorities' recent revelation on how 'Lemon Poppy Seed' cakes are being sold openly, despite the government's ban on the oilseeds

Lemon and poppy seed cake

Image via The Telegraph UK

Lemon Poppy Seed Cake

Image via Honest Cooking

"Even with possession of less than five gm of ganja from the poppy plant, is an offence under Section 6 of the DDA 1952, which carries a maximum five years' jail and RM20,000 fine on conviction," added Wan, as reported by Bernama.

He further revealed that the poppy seed cakes that were reportedly sold for RM13 each, tested positive for morphine.

"The buyer after consuming a large portion would feel a sense of 'high' or euphoria," he explained, in a report by Bernama.

The news report, however, did not specify the names of cafes that are reportedly selling these cakes.

However, Wan Abdullah stressed that the authorities will only proceed to take action against these cafes once the investigations are complete and fruitful

Orange Poppy Seed Bread

Image via Alice And The Mock Turtle

Poppy Seed Bread

Image via Food

He said that the police would also carry out further tests at the Malaysian Chemistry Department to confirm that drugs were really present in such cakes.

Meanwhile, the National Council of Professors (MPN) had expressed their concerns over the prolonged consumption of poppy seeds and its adverse health effects, especially among children

MPN Health Science Subcluster head, Prof Datuk Dr Jamaludin Mohamed said even though comprehensive studies on consumption of food containing poppy seeds had yet to be carried out, control measures should be in place to prevent its negative effects.

"The addictive consumption of such cakes, especially among children may lead to obesity and diabetes due to the sugar content in cakes," he said, adding it might also affect the heart.

In this regard, Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia training director Dr Izham Nayan, urged the public not to attempt trying out the poppy seed-laced cake as it might bring long-term negative effects. He said Islam prohibited the intake of intoxicating substances.

"Personally, there is no need for us to try such things. In fact, I denounce bakeries using poppy seeds in their products," he added.

While poppy seed cakes may not ring a bell for many, the oilseed in itself is highly common in Asian cooking, especially the Indian cuisine.

Added mostly to create texture, aroma and thickness to curries, poppy seeds add an exquisite flavour to Indian dishes.

Indian Spiced Curry

Image via Silk
Image via Cava

A classic Czech pastry, 'Kolache'

Image via Simply Recipes

Polishpampukhy with poppy seed and walnut paste

Image via The Guardian

Poppy seeds are extracted from opium poppy, a flowering plant that is native to eastern Mediterranean.

Having been around for centuries, Czech Republic is the biggest producer of poppy seeds at 24,665 metric tonnes per year.

According to a journal on European Food Safety Authority, the opium poppy plant contains morphine and codeine but the extracted seeds however, do not naturally contain opium alkaloids but can be contaminated through poor harvesting practices.

The journal also revealed that the consumption of these contaminated poppy seeds can lead to the presence of morphine in urine, which most often interferes with drug abuse tests.

How 'intoxicating' are poppy seeds?

Poppy Seeds

Image via Sites

According to a book titled, 'Intoxication: The Universal Drive For Mind-Altering Substances', a small amount of poppy seeds in breads and food may "affect human palates but not behaviour, despite the detectable presence of morphine in subsequent blood or urine samples".

But when fed with a concentrated diet of poppy seeds, there may be behavioural influence in children. So, a slice of a poppy seed cake may not have you woozy but chugging down a great deal more may have the potential to alter your behaviour.

An excerpt from the book also noted that Indians are known to prepare a concoction of syrup, poppy flowers and seeds to soothe and induce sleep in children.

Speaking of bans and clampdowns, DBKL recently announced that it will stop providing licenses to vape equipment stores:

In 2014, during PDRM's "Enhancing Integrity Couse", a group of police officers tested positive for drugs:

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