
Man In Jail Assaulted By Inmates Who Found Out He Raped His Daughter Over 50 Times

He had allegedly been forcing himself on her since 2015, when she was sixteen years old.

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A man in Lumajang, Indonesia was recently charged with raping his daughter since 2015

The victim is Sugeng's child from his second marriage. The married man has four ex-wives, all of whom are domestic helpers working abroadCoconuts Jakarta reported.

On Monday, 29 July, Sugeng Slamet booked a hotel room so that he could have sex with his daughter

He had allegedly forced himself on her at least 50 times since 2015, when she was sixteen years old.

However, the 20-year-old managed to escape the hotel room.

She reported her father to the police and he was soon apprehended by authorities.

On the following day, the 44-year-old was taken into police custody where he admitted that watching pornography frequently led him to the sexual acts

While in jail, Sugeng's situation took an unexpected turn.

"It was only Tuesday evening that he was put inside a cell in Lumajang Police HQ, but by morning he was already clobbered," Lumajang Police Chief Muhammad Arsal Sahban said in a statement, according to Vivanews.

The police chief revealed that "the other prisoners assaulted him after finding out what he did"

"There are a variety of prisoners here, such as those who stole motorcycles, thieves, and even violent muggers. But none of them are as vile as Sugeng, who slept with his own daughter," he added. 

Since police officers conduct hourly checks of the cells, it is likely that the man was assaulted between inspections.

After sustaining bruises all over his face and body, Sugeng was moved to solitary detention for his own protection.

Those convicted for violating Indonesia's Child Protection Law may face up to 15 years in prison and a fine up to IDR5 billion (RM1,474,289).

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