[NEPALI DEATH] "He Was Alive For About 15-20 Minutes"
A man, said to be Nepalese, fell to his death after slipping off the roof he climbed onto. WARNING: Content contains graphic images, viewer's discretion is advised.
An eye witness says Nepali was alive for about 15 to 20 minutes after his fall
"The FRD and the Police were totally negligent and careless in handling the whole rescue exercise...no efforts were made to hoist FRD personnel via the back lane to the roof to capture him from the back."
"I felt so sad to note that the victim was left lying on the road like an animal waiting for the ambulance & he died around 20 mins...not immediately as claimed by police chief of Taman Tun Police Station."
"Everyone at the scene would testify...we could see the victim breathing adn that is why the police called the ambulance...I left the scene at 11:20AM and only God knows what time the ambulance came."
"Rescue personnel must be trained not only in skills but in attitude and that the commitment to save lives must not be compromised in any manner."
"He fell to his death at about 11am."
"Namun, tindakan mangsa yang berjalan di atas bumbung dan kemudiannya cuba untuk berbaring mengundang padah apabila dia gagal mengimbangi badan dan tergelincir di bawah pada kira-kira jam 11 pagi."
The Nepalese man in his 30s climbed onto the roof after news of his deportation
BH difahamkan mangsa yang berusia awal 30-an dikatakan merajuk selepas diarah pulang ke negaranya kerana dipercayai kurang siuman sebelum dia bertindak memanjat bangunan dua tingkat berkenaan.
A man climbed onto a roof of the shop lots in TTDI
"Our inspector @jamilttdi1 Police and rescue team are here @ttditv coz someone is on the roof wanting to commit suicide on top of @mystarbucks." - Photo from @ibdil/Instagram.
Image via instagram.comHave something to say about this?
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