
McDonald's In Japan Has A Genius Idea Of Recycling Plastic Toys Into Serving Trays

They surpassed the initial goal of collecting one million plastic toys.

Cover image via McDonald's Japan/HugKum

On 15 November, several McDonald's outlets in Japan recently served its new "midori" trays, which are made from recycled plastic toys

Image via NHK World-Japan

The "midori" trays are the final product of a recycling campaign that was launched by McDonald's Japan earlier this year.

Back in February, McDonald's Japan launched the "Happy Ribbon" campaign where old plastic toys were collected for recycling

Throughout the campaign period, children (or their parents) could drop off old Happy Meal plastic toys in specially prepared donation boxes at selected McDonald's outlets.

In return, children would get a green "happy ribbon" to wear and proudly show off that they have made a donation.

Image via LIMIA/Sirabee

McDonald's said a previous statement that the initiative was launched because, according to a survey it conducted, mothers wanted to practice recycling but didn't know how to go about it when it came to plastic toys.

The campaign was such a hit that the number of toys collected surpassed the initial goal of one million pieces

Image via HugKum

AFP BB News reported that a total of 1,270,000 plastic toys were collected, which were recycled into more than 100,000 "midori" trays.

Additionally, McDonald's said that they will continue to implement the campaign again in the future.

You may not be able to turn toys into trays, but taking simple steps to curb plastic waste starts at home:

Plastic waste is a serious problem that has only recently been getting the attention it needs:

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