
MOH Confirms Minister Khairuddin Breached Quarantine And Slaps Him With RM1,000 Fine

The Plantations and Commodities Minister has settled the compound.

Cover image via Ghazali Kori/New Straits Times

Plantations and Commodities Minister Khairuddin Aman Razali breached COVID-19 quarantine rules after returning from a trip to Turkey on July 7, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) today, 22 August

In a statement, MOH said that Khairuddin failed to adhere to the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 (Act 342) after he did not undergo the mandatory 14-day home quarantine.

The Ministry of Health issued a compound to Khairuddin after he was found to commit an offence under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) Regulations 2020, the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 (Act 342)," read the MOH statement.

"Khairuddin had returned from Turkey on 7 July, in which, his nasopharyngeal swab sample was taken for the first time on the same day and tested negative. The second and third COVID-19 screening conducted on him also showed that he is negative of the virus."

Khairuddin was fined RM1,000 for not adhering to quarantine rules

"Since Khairuddin had failed to adhere to the regulations under Act 342, the authorised officer has issued an RM1,000 compound against him on 7 August and he has settled the compound," the statement read.

Prior to the MOH's statement, Deputy Health Minister Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali said that no one including ministers or government officials will be spared for violating COVID-19 standard operating procedure:

Many netizens had called out the minister's behaviour:

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