
Must-Watch #MH17 Video Reports From CNN, Bloomberg, BBC And More

SAYS handpicked all the videos and reactions from major international news stations to help you make sense of MH17.

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1. CNN initially started by showing a supposed amateur video of the crash which is still unconfirmed. Learn the capabilities of the supposed missile system that shot the aircraft through their analysis.

2. BBC broke the news through sources from Ukraine before getting on the crash site for footage. Get to know first hand accounts from witnesses around the area.

3. Al-Jazeera highlighted the possible scenarios and theories while also explaining the Russian and Ukrainian crisis. In another segment, they also gathered first hand accounts from witnesses.

4. Russia Today (RT) broke down the event in a chronological order. Besides that, they got statements and reactions from various leaders.

5. Bloomberg broke the news highlighting Malaysia Airline's tweet before showing an amateur video of the incident. See their analysis of how markets reacted to the crash.

6. The Star chose a more local angle, highlighting the plight and feelings of the families who had relatives or friends onboard.

Read what we know SO FAR regarding flight MH17:

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