
Najib Has Resigned As BN Chairman And UMNO President

He said he takes full responsibility.

Cover image via aseantoday

Datuk Seri Najib Razak just resigned from his position as Barisan Nasional Chairman and UMNO President, effective immediately

"UMNO and Barisan Nasional have suffered heavy losses (in the GE14).

"I as UMNO president and Barisan Nasional chairman have made the decision to step down," Najib said in a press conference on Saturday afternoon.

Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the current UMNO acting Deputy President, will take over as President, Najib added

"We accept the decision of the rakyat with an open heart."

I would like to thank all UMNO members and I guarantee that I will not leave the party and will continue to support UMNO," Najib said at the press conference held at Menara Dato' Onn.

Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein will assume the role of UMNO deputy president.

Image via NST Online

While expressing his sadness, Najib said that UMNO lost on the war of perception with the rakyat

"Whoever wins the war of perception, they win the rakyat's trust," he said, adding that the "prosperity of the nation in the past 60 years is due to UMNO."

"I am confident, people will remember the work UMNO has done for Malaysia. I will not leave UMNO and I will support UMNO."

Earlier, Najib was put into immigration blacklist:

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