
[PHOTOS] Destruction And Anxiety As A Magnitude-7.8 Earthquake Rocks New Zealand

At least two people have been killed.

Cover image via BBC

Yesterday, 13 November evening time, a magnitude-7.8 earthquake rocked New Zealand's South Island, killing at least two people

The powerful earthquake was followed by a series of large earthquakes across the country, which generated the highest tsunami wave that New Zealand has seen in at least 38 years

The above photo shows people who moved to higher ground in Wellington.

While the earthquake was only 10 kilometres deep, it was felt throughout most of the country. And its impact has been severe:

Image via BBC

Forcing people out of their houses and hotels:

Photos like this prove how destructive it was:

Image via NZStuff

And how 'bloody' it got:

These photos, that were shared on Twitter, show the damage at a supermarket.

New Zealand lies on the Ring of Fire, the line of frequent quakes and volcanic eruptions that circle virtually the entire Pacific rim; and as such, earthquakes come as no surprise to New Zealanders

While the latest quake has caused damage to buildings and has been described as powerful, it is nowhere near to the one in 2011 which killed 185 people in Christchurch.

The 2011 earthquake, which destroyed the city centre, caused such massive destruction that five years after there are people still trying to recover from it.

People evacuated gather outside a hotel in Wellington.

Image via Ross Setford/AP via The Guardian

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