#PRU13: The Elections FAQ and Other Important Facts to Know
How many constituencies are there? What's the difference between the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara? What is a 2/3 majority? Find the answers to these frequently asked questions about elections here!
Important bits of the Federal Constitution
Perkara 152, Perlembagaan Malaysia memperuntukkan bahasa kebangsaan di Malaysia ialah bahasa Melayu.
wikipedia.orgArtikel 153: Menjadi tanggungjawab YDPA untuk melindungi kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan anak negeri mana-mana antara Negeri Sabah dan Sarawak dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain.
rights.com.myArticle 3 of The Federal Constitution says that “Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation”.
blogspot.comArticle 11 guarantees freedom of religion to every person.
loyarburok.comArticle 5 is the Liberty provision. It triumphantly declares: no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty save in accordance with the law.
loyarburok.comArticle 119(1) of the Constitution says you are entitled to vote if (a) you are a citizen of Malaysia, (b) you have attained 21 years of age, and (c) you are registered in the electoral roll.
malaysianbar.org.myArt 8 (2): there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender.
malaysianbar.org.myArticle 10 of the Federal Constitution guarantees every citizens with the right to freedom of speech and assembly.
cijmalaysia.orgWho chooses the Prime Minister? How?
Kuasa perlantikan berada di tangan Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan orang yang bakal dilantik itu mesti mendapat kepercayaan sebilangan besar ahli Dewan Rakyat.
blogspot.comPerdana Menteri mestilah seorang ahli Dewan Rakyat yang mana, pada pendapat YDPA, akan memperolehi kepercayaan majoriti ahli-ahli Dewan Rakyat.
beritasemasa.comThe appointment of a prime minister is invariably made based on vote-taking in the House or on the party commanding the most seats.
experiencefestival.comTo be Prime Minister of Malaysia, it is not enough to have the Malays supporting you. You also need the support of the Chinese, the Indians, and don’t forget the communities of Sabah and Sarawak.
malaysia-today.netThe constitution suggests that the Agong will choose the leader who can command the support of the majority of parliamentarians.
malaysia-today.netMalaysian constitutional law follows British constitutional law, in that the king or queen appoints the prime minister.
thenutgraph.comWhat if there's a hung parliament?
Bila berlaku parlimen tergantung, edua-dua parti itu akan berbincang dengan mana-mana ahli parlimen Bebas yang dipilih untuk mendapat majoriti mudah.
kl-today.comParlimen tergantung wujud di mana keputusan sesuatu pilihan raya memperlihatkan tidak ada mana-mana parti yang berjaya membentuk kerajaan dengan majoriti mutlak.
blogspot.comOnly if the deadlocked parliament has met and the appointed PM has lost a confidence vote must the new House be dissolved and fresh elections ordered.
thestar.com.myIf neither side succeeds in making an agreement with cross benches, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may allow the caretaker PM to continue until he is defeated on the floor.
thestar.com.myWhen there's a hung parliament, the seats are evenly divided, right down the middle. Someone has to budge.
blogspot.comIn a 2-party parliamentary system of government, a hung parliament occurs when neither major political party (or bloc of allied parties) has an absolute majority of seats in the parliament.
wordpress.comBN’s predictable stand, in the distinct possibility of a hung Parliament, would be to tell the King that Pakatan is not a registered political coalition and must be looked at separately.
blogspot.comThe much discussed '2/3 majority'
Majoriti 2/3 di Parlimen untuk memudahkan penggubalan Undang Undang baru itu.
wordpress.comUntuk meminda Perlembagaan, kerajaan memerlukan dua pertiga untuk memindanya.
sinarharian.com.myA two-thirds majority is not just a psychological booster, but is also necessary for smooth passage of the next redrawing of electoral constituencies that will begin next year.
malaysia-today.netAll repressive legislations could never be legally implemented unless the government possesses a two-thirds majority in Parliament.
malaysia-today.netAll amendments to the Sedition Act required a two-thirds majority for it to be passed in Parliament.
malaysia-today.netDewan Rakyat? Dewan Negara?
Dewan Rakyat menonjol sebagai satu medan untuk ahli parlimen berpolitik dan bukannya berdebat mengenai perkara-perkara yang melibatkan kepentingan awam.
freemalaysiatoday.comThe Dewan Negara can revise, improve or delay Dewan Rakyat Bills. As a second debating chamber it can act after mature, non-political and calm consideration.
thestar.com.myDewan Negara terdiri daripada seramai 70 orang ahli: 26 yang dipilih oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri sebagai mewakili 13 negeri, 44 ahli yang dilantik oleh YDPA atas nasihat PM.
penerangan.gov.myDewan Rakyat mempunyai seramai 222 ahli, dan setiap ahli mewakili satu kawasan pilihan raya.