
PDRM Now Says Investigation Against Hannah Yeoh Is For A 'Seditious & Inflammatory' Quote

The particular quote, however, is fake.

Cover image via Hannah Yeoh/Facebook

The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has now released a statement regarding their investigation into former deputy women, family, and community development (KPWKM) minister Hannah Yeoh

In a media statement today, 17 June, Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department (CID) director Huzir Mohamed said that they are investigating the Segambut Member of Parliament (MP) for a quote that has "tendencies to be seditious and incite hate among communities".

He added that the investigation against Yeoh was initiated on 11 March 2020.

What's the quote?

Well, according to the PDRM statement, the quote attributed to Yeoh is:

"Since the deputy minister of KPWKM (Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development) is from PAS, then child marriage (to make sex with children permissible) will be widespread after this. This is a disease among Muslims in this country who are uncivilised."

Yeoh is being investigated under three separate charges

In the statement, CID director Huzir said that they have classified the investigations under Section 4(1) of the Sedition Act for seditious tendencies, Section 505(c) of the Penal Code for having intentions or for maybe disrupting communities or ethnic groups, as well as Section 233 of Communications and Multimedia Act 1988 for improper use of network facilities or network services.

"The owner of the Facebook account "Hannah Yeoh" will be called in to make a statement and explain (herself) regarding the Facebook post that went viral as it is seditious and inflammatory," he added.

Here's the issue though. The particular quote is fake.

Yeoh had herself shared the quote — while clearly specifying that it a false statement — on her Facebook page on 11 March to alert the public about it, asking those sharing it to stop slandering her.

Meanwhile, reacting to CID director Huzir's statement today, the DAP politician tweeted, "So police is now investigating me for a fake quote?"

On the other hand, former de facto law minister Azalina Othman Said, whose party is now in power amidst the change in administration in March, said the investigation against Yeoh will set "a bad precedent".

On Tuesday, Yeoh had taken to her Twitter account to say that she is being investigated for asking her successor Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff of PAS about the ministry's plans to fight child marriage:

PDRM is also investigating Siti Kasim:

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