
[PHOTOS] How Arab Newspapers Stood Up Against The Charlie Hebdo Massacre

While media in the Arab world have published a wide variety of reactions to the deadly attack on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, many Arab newspapers across the world have published cartoons expressing solidarity and support with the French satirical newspaper. Below is a collection of 9 such cartoons gathered from across the region.

Cover image via Al Akhbar

From Lebanon's An Nahar newspaper, it reads:

'But ... he called me a terrorist'

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From the same newspaper, this one reads:

'This is how we avenge the cartoonists' killer'

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From Qatar's Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper:

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From Lebanon's Al Akhbar, it reads:

'Freedom up in the air'

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From Egypt's privately owned Al-Masry Al-Youm, these two cartoons by Makhlouf, a young cartoonist, that reads: 'In support with Charlie Hebdo,' with the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie

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In the other cartoon, which again reads: 'In support of Charlie Hebdo,' Makhlouf drew himself holding up a pencil in the face of an assailant wearing a balaclava, with almost alien-like eyes, as he points a gun at him, the newspaper wrote

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This one from Moroccan, expressing solidarity, it reads:

'Freedom' is written in blood, 'Journalism law' is written on the knife

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This cartoon by Hicham Rahma published on his public Facebook page, it reads:

'It was a hard day' with the turbans labeled 'ISIS'

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This cartoon by Anwar for private-owned daily Al-Masry Al-Youm, reads:

'Long lives satire'

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Now see how cartoonists from around the world stood up against the massacre with what they do best:


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