
[PHOTOS] Giant Moths Invade Kuantan By The Thousands

Swarms of moth were seen infiltrating public spaces and even a football match! Have you seen anything like this?

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Recently, an extraordinarily high amount of moths were spotted in the city of Kuantan

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Kuantan, the capital of Pahang, has seen an invasion of giant moths over the past week, raising questions among residents and visitors alike.

This capital of Pahang has seen an invasion of giant moths over the past week, raising questions among residents and visitors alike.

Swarms of moths invaded the state capital over the past three weeks.
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These moths are attracted to bright lights, crowding well-lit areas such as eateries, billboards and homes

Lured by the bright lights, the insects were spotted flying in eateries, offices, homes and over electronic billboards.

They are active at night and often converge in areas with bright lights.

On 30 May 2014, the moths became the talking point as they stole the limelight from the FA Cup Semi Final match as throngs of moths filled the stadium

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The unwelcomed guests stole the limelight during the FA Cup semifinal match between Pahang and JDT on May 30, when they swarmed the Darul Makmur Stadium. Their presence has created an eyesore as thousands were often spotted lying dead in huge piles along corridors outside shoplots.

The Darul Makmur Stadium was a target during the Pahang-Johor Darul Takzim FA Cup semi-final match last Friday.
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Local residents are annoyed with this recent phenomenon, with the moths 'crashing' into parties and also bedrooms

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M. Leenakumari, 37, said the light from the television in her living room was enough to draw the moths into her home and she was forced to sweep the house twice daily to remove the dead ones. “It is annoying, especially when the moths fly around in the bedroom or living room. Sometimes they crash into the ceiling fan blades and end up all over the floor.”

Hashim Mohd, 45, an engineer, said the moths had swarmed guests at his son’s birthday party last week and he was forced to cover the birthday cake, fearing the insects might land on it.

What's the story behind this outbreak of moths? Learn a thing or two, here:

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