
Here's How This Mum Scaled Mount Kinabalu With Her 3-Year-Old Daughter

"The journey wasn't easy but this is a memory that will last a lifetime."

Cover image via Siti Aminah Borhan/Facebook

As if hiking up Mount Kinabalu was not a challenge of its own, a Malaysian mother recently succeeded in scaling up the 4,000-metre-high mountain with her three-year-old daughter in tow

In a series of Facebook posts, the mother, Siti Aminah Borhan, shared the experiences and difficulties she faced in bringing her three-year-old daughter, Sofia, up the tallest peak in the Malay Archipelago.

According to Malay Mail, Siti Aminah hopes that Sofia can potentially earn a spot in the Malaysian Book of Records as the youngest person to reach Mount Kinabalu's summit.

Siti Aminah wrote that she hiked with Sofia in a carrier on her back for a gruelling 19 hours over two days to reach the peak

"The journey wasn't easy but this is a memory that will last a lifetime," wrote the fitness coach, who revealed that she only had time to train for two days before the hike, reported Harian Metro.

She described the climb as a "never-ending staircase" that made her feel like crying and giving up at some points. However, she was thankful that her daughter was there to give her the strength to continue on.

"Thankfully Sofia did not make a single fuss and sat quietly in her carrier for hours; she did not throw any tantrums or complain about going home. Even when it rained. She even occasionally walked on her own without needing to be carried the whole time," wrote the proud mother.

"It was as if she understood all the mental and physical pain that I was going through. Instead, she enjoyed the journey."

To reach the top, they had to face unpredictable weather, temperatures that dipped to two degrees Celsius, and even low oxygen levels at higher altitudes

Some people had to stop to catch their breath or vomit due to altitude sickness.

However, Siti Aminah made sure to take her time with the climb to take care of Sofia.

"Climbing with a child is different, I had to take care of her feelings. I made sure she was happy, comfortable, and that she could pee and poo whenever she wanted."

She also wrapped her daughter up in four layers of sweaters and trousers to keep her warm and snug throughout the journey.

The mother also clarified that she was not alone, and was accompanied by a doctor and a guide who took turns carrying Sofia and making sure she was comfortable

Siti Aminah admitted that she was scared for Sofia's safety or that she would suffer from hypothermia when they reached the peak at dawn on 29 January.

However, the doctor, Dr Muaz Mu'adz Zayd, and their hiking guide had patiently helped the mother-daughter duo arrive safe and sound.

Other hikers who were amazed to see Sofia up the mountain also gave their support and words of encouragement. Siti Aminah wrote that she was extremely grateful that some people had offered their warmers for Sofia to use.

Siti Aminah said that she would not forget this experience anytime soon, and she hoped that neither would Sofia

She wrote that she was at a loss for words when they successfully arrived at the summit and got to look over the clouds at the top of Mount Kinabalu.

"Dear Sofia, I hope you would remember this experience and appreciate it when you grow up. At only three years and 10 months old, we have already gone through so much together. Thank you for always being with me," she wrote.

Meanwhile, a man in Sabah plans to climb the mountain backwards:

In 2018, Mount Kinabalu was named as one of the most thrilling hikes in the world:

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