
Photos Show Woman Standing To 'Chup' Parking Space At Jumpstreet Asia In PJ

The incident happened last week.

Cover image via FB

A woman is being alleged of blocking a parking space at Jumpstreet Asia in PJ by standing over the spot recently

The allegation was made in a Facebook post uploaded on 6 October. At the time of writing this story, the post was shared over 340 times.

In the photos uploaded along with the Facebook post, a woman is seen standing over an empty parking space, blocking other cars from parking at the spot.

According to the Facebook post, "the woman refused to move" from the spot even after her husband asked her to give way to other cars.

Image via FB

The woman stood there blocking the spot

Image via FB

The person who uploaded the photos wrote that the woman questioned her when she was reversing her car to park in the spot

"Well, fine. I can give up my parking space even with kids in my car to make her well known for her stupidity. Didn't she read the news about this being illegal?" she wrote."

You can check out the full post here:

Here's another sickening woman that stand to 'chup' parking space at Jumpstreet Asia, PJ. She even dare to question me,...

Posted by Jann Vayn on Saturday, 6 October 2018

As the uploader mentioned in her post, blocking a parking spot by standing over it and diverting traffic away from the empty space is an offence under Section 50 (3) of the Road Transport Act 1987

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