
RapidKL Gives Out Free LRT Rides And Apologises To Loyal Commuters For Major Downtime

We just hope the LRT will be operating trouble-free this time around.

Cover image via NST

For commuters using the LRT, this week has been a troublesome experience with frequent glitches and power trips in the system

On Wednesday, 7 September, thousands of LRT commuters found themselves stranded on their way to school and work, after the LRT service on the Kelana Jaya line was disrupted over a glitch in the signalling and communication system.

Following which, RapidKL had to deploy buses to the affected LRT stations to ferry stranded passengers to their desired destinations.

Those who were stranded due to the breakdown Wednesday morning told SAYS about their frustrating experience. You can read their accounts here.

Then today, LRT commuters did not only had to brave the bad weather, after their train stopped mid-way through the journey, they were forced to walk on the LRT track.

Seeing how the service disruptions gave commuters more than just a headache, Prasarana Group Managing Director Datuk Azmi Abdul Aziz has offered free rides to any destination from 13 to 15 Sept

The gesture of goodwill is to show the company's appreciation to its customers.

Speaking to reporters on the disruption of the LRT train service from Gombak to Putra Heights, Azmi said, "On behalf of RapidRail Sdn Bhd (RapidRail), we would like to offer our sincerest apologies over the (two) incidents; this is our way of showing appreciation to our loyal commuters. We are indebted to all our customers and we want to provide the utmost comfort to our passengers."

Azmi also explained the reason behind the glitch

He said the “glitch” happened due to a disturbance in the power supply in the train heading from Gombak to Putra Heights, which affected the train’s ventilation system.

"The passengers were evacuated for their safety, to the nearest stations, Sri Rampai and Damai. The decision (to evacuate) was made by the Kelana Jaya Line operators," Azmi was quoted as saying by FMT.

RapidRail, meanwhile, will submit its report on the incident to the Land Public Transport Commission tomorrow morning.

Additionally, in case you have forgotten, there will be a 50% discount starting 16 September for all train fares from 6 to 7am:

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