
Rape Is "Sometimes Right And Sometimes Wrong", Says The Home Minister Of An Indian State

Just a week after the gang rape and murder of two teenagers, an Indian politician has said rape is "sometimes it’s right, sometimes it’s wrong."

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A state minister from Indian PM Narendra Modi's ruling party has described rape as a "social crime", saying "sometimes it's right, sometimes it's wrong", in the latest controversial remarks by an Indian politician about rape

Women in Uttar Pradesh protest against the state goverment after two cousins aged 12 and 14 were raped and hanged

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The political leaders of Uttar Pradesh, the state where two cousins aged 12 and 14 were raped and hanged last week, have faced criticism for failing to visit the scene and for accusing the media of hyping the story.

A regional politician from Modi's own Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), said that the crime of rape can only be considered to have been committed if it is reported to police.

"This is a social crime which depends on men and women. Sometimes it's right, sometimes it's wrong," said Babulal Gaur, the Home Minister responsible for law and order in the BJP-run central state of Madhya Pradesh

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"Until there's a complaint, nothing can happen," he told reporters.

He also expressed sympathy with Mulayam Singh Yadav, head of the regional Samajwadi party that runs Uttar Pradesh

In the recent election, Mulayam criticised legal changes that foresee the death penalty for gang rape, saying: "Men commit mistakes but they can't be hanged for it."

Meanwhile, the BJP dismissed Gaur's comments as an expression of his personal views, and not the party's

Indian PM

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Modi, who was sworn in as prime minister last week after a landslide election victory, has so far remained silent over the double killing in the village of Katra Shahadatganj, around half a day's drive east of Delhi.

The father and uncle of one of the victims said they tried to report the crime to local police but were turned away. Three men have been arrested over the killings. Two policemen have been held on suspicion of trying to cover up the crime.

Although a rape is reported in India every 21 minutes on average, law enforcement failures mean that such crimes – a symptom of pervasive sexual and caste oppression – are often not reported or properly investigated

Women from villages take out a peaceful protest march to seek justice in the gangrape and murder of two minor girls in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh.

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More sex crimes have come to light in recent days. A woman in a nearby district of Uttar Pradesh was gang-raped, forced to drink acid and strangled to death. Another was shot dead in northeast India while resisting attackers, media reports said.

The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, has said he was "especially appalled" by the rape and murder of the two girls. "We say no to the dismissive, destructive attitude of, 'Boys will be boys'," he said in a statement this week that made clear his contempt for the language used by Mulayam Singh Yadav.

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