
Rina Harun Apologises After Allegedly Breaking COVID-19 SOP To Feed A Blind Girl By Hand

"My heart was touched when the child herself said, 'Nak aunty suap' (I want aunty to feed me)," the minister said.

Cover image via Yusof Mat Isa/Malay Mail & Rina Mohd Harun (Facebook)

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Datuk Seri Rina Harun has apologised for raising COVID-19 concerns after she was seen hand-feeding a young girl during a house visit in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, 10 July

According to Malaysiakini, the Women, Community, and Family Development Minister had attracted online criticism for a video of herself feeding six-year-old Nur Azalea Zafirah a burger with her hands during the home visit to distribute aid.

Most cited concerns of COVID-19 infection spread through close contact.

However, Rina apologised and said she had acted upon the request of the girl and her father

The girl's father β€” Fendy Adlun, a blind drummer from local band Caliph Buskers β€” had appealed to Rina's ministry for financial assistance.

"Firstly, I would like to apologise for the alleged violation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) to feed food to a disabled child that has raised questions and concerns for some parties," Rina said in a statement on Facebook on the same day.

She explained that Nur Azalea is blind and has autism, and she was informed by the father that she is unable to eat on her own and requires assistance.

"My heart was touched when the child herself said, 'Nak aunty suap' (I want aunty to feed me)," the minister added.

"To not disappoint this special child, I continued to feed her as part of the psychosocial approach in showing my care as a woman to a child, especially one who is less fortunate."

Rina also stressed that she practises a high level of personal hygiene whenever she conducts her visits to help the community

She said she constantly sanitises her hands, and throughout the session with Fendy and Nur Azalea, she was wearing a face mask.

"Thank you once again for the constructive comments to better my duties and responsibilities. I apologise once again for my mistake," she wrote.

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