
School Teacher Reported To Have Told Non-Muslim Students To Drink Own Urine

The incident happened during the fourth day of Ramadan.

Cover image via Friends of BN - Barisan Nasional via Facebook

'Urine drinking' controversy: School attacked with Molotov cocktail

Image via The Star

The school where a teacher joked about non-Muslims pupils drinking urine was hit with a Molotov cocktail (a crude incendiary device typically consisting of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and means of ignition) last night. The incident at Sekolah Kebangsaan Ibrahim in Sungai Petani, Kedah, occurred about 10pm yesterday.

Kedah CID chief ACP Mohd Nashir Ya said the men, were in their 20s and 30s, and from Sungai Petani.

"We are investigating the motive for the incident," he said in a statement, adding that the case was being investigated under Section 435 of the Penal Code for causing mischief by fire or explosive substance.

Education Department claims students misunderstood the teacher's statement

Dato Ahmad Tajudin Jab

Image via Berita Harian

The deputy director-general of education Datuk Ahmad Tajudin Jab from the Education Department today dismissed the untrue a social media report that a senior assistant of a primary school in Kedah had asked non-Muslim pupils to drink their own urine. According to him the pupils had misunderstood what the teacher had told them.

The teacher had advised the non-Muslim pupils not to drink in the presence of Muslim pupils (during the current fasting month). He had said that they could drink outside or in the washroom.

“However, some pupils had misunderstood this and claimed that the teacher had ordered non-Muslim pupils to drink their own urine. The teacher had never said that. We have to clarify that. The pupils misunderstood,” he told reporters at his office here.

'Urine drinking' turned out to be a misunderstood joke says Kedah exco

Image via The Malay Mail

The teacher who caused uproar for allegedly telling students to consume their own urine had actually made a joke telling them not to do so, said State Education, Transportation and Public Works Committee chairman Datuk Tajul Urus Mat Zain.

"He actually said it in a berseloroh (joking) tone.

"What he said was jangan minum air kencing kamu pula (don't you instead drink your own urine) which was misinterpreted by the pupils," Tajul told reporters at his office at Wisma Darul Aman here, Monday afternoon.

He added that with the clarification, the issue was now resolved, and it should not become a political and racial matter.

Reports about a teacher who allegedly told students to drink their own urine could be false

Datuk Tajul Urus Mat Zain

Image via Free Malaysia Today

Kedah’s state executive councillor, Datuk Tajul Urus Mat Zain, who is also assemblyman for Tanjong Dawai where the school is located, claimed that the teacher did not utter the words alleged but did not elaborate, only saying he will be holding a news conference on the matter later.

It's not true, the teacher did not say that,” he said.
Image via Utara News
Image via Utara News

According to a report by Malaysiakini, a senior teacher in a primary school in Kedah allegedly told non-muslim students not to drink water in class but to do so in the washroom

A senior teacher at a school in Kedah had allegedly told non-Muslim students not to drink water in class but to do so in the washroom.

The teacher added on that if the students didn't have water, they could drink it "from the tap or their own urine"

The teacher, who is in charge of student affairs, had also allegedly told the pupils that if they don’t have water, they could drink from the "tap or their own urine" instead.

The picture of a letter of complaint has since gone viral on social media since it was posted today on a popular Facebook page

Kami belum dapat pastikan kesahihan dokumen ini namun sekiranya ia benar, perkara ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku. Kita...

Posted by Friends of BN - Barisan Nasional on Sunday, 21 June 2015

The letter was addressed to the state education department director and was written by the next-of-kin of non-muslim students

The letter stated that the speech by the senior assistant for student affairs is "uncivilised and uncouth, and could stoke racial sentiments among non-Muslim students and community"

"It is also clear that he as a teacher has no respect for the feelings of non-Muslim students, teachers, and next-of-kin," read the letter.

The incident was said to have happened during a school assembly on Sunday, 21 June, the fourth day of Ramadan

The teacher allegedly made the statement yesterday during a school assembly. Sunday is a school day in some states including Kedah. Although not explicitly mentioned in the letter, the statement came just four days into the Ramadan fasting period.

Meanwhile, Deputy Education Minister P.Kamalanathan has ordered a thorough investigation on the incident. "If found true, those responsible will be dealt with seriously for breaching the ministries policy".

With regards to the issue that was highlighted regarding a primary school in Sungai Petani, Kedah. We have immediately...

Posted by P.Kamalanathan on Sunday, 21 June 2015

Two years ago, non-Muslim students were required to eat in a changing room during Ramadan:

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