
scientists find gold growing on trees in Australia

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Can I grow a gold tree at home and get rich?

Can I grow a gold tree at home and get rich?

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The detection of gold in tree leaves helps to locate deposits buried in the earth, Australian scientists find, and it could also apply to other metals.

Hmm.. this tree will surely attract gold diggers from across the world

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Parent's you'll have to come up with something better to motivate your kids

Parents beware: You're about to have one less idiom in your repertoire. Scientists in Australia have discovered gold deposits on eucalyptus trees in the Outback.

Okay, so it WAS true after all: money/gold does grow on trees!

Parents beware: You're about to have one less idiom in your repertoire. Scientists in Australia have discovered gold deposits on eucalyptus trees in the Outback.

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