
Robber Who Posted Pics Of Stolen Cash Gets The Attention He Wants... From The Cops

Well, flaunting stolen cash on social media is not a good idea!

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Gone are the days of fleeing the country, going underground or storing your cash in a foreign account after committing a crime like robbing a bank

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Criminals these days are a different breed because apparently, the new approach of dealing with stolen loot is to post a picture of it on Facebook first - a couple from Ohio may be facing jail time for doing just that

Image via Mashable

John Mogan and Ashley Duboe from Ohio came to the attention of cops after the couple posted at least five selfies on Facebook flaunting a large amount of cash.

Mogan, 28, who had just been released from jail for a similar crime supposedly demanded the bank teller to hand him a substantial amount of money

According to investigators, Mogan, a convicted felon who was just released from prison, walked into the bank and gave a note demanding money to a teller, who then handed over cash. Mogan has tattoos on his face and investigators say he put makeup on to cover them and disguise himself.

The photos which showed Mogan posing with stacks of cash were heavily circulated on the Internet

Image via Fox35

Once the photos were posted, it was all over. The police were able to locate the suspects and arrest them for the robbery (and hopefully for taking such tacky selfies).

Both Mogan and his partner have been arrested and charged with robbery and theft, with a possible of four years behind bars

Image via Mashable

For someone who had robbed a bank before, you'd think he would have known better uh?

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Speaking of selfies, did you know more people have died from selfie-related accidents than shark attacks?

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