
M'sian OKU Senator To Receive 2023 International Women Of Courage Award At White House

Senator Datuk Ras Adiba is being honoured today, 8 March, for her advocacy of the persons with disabilities (OKU) community in Malaysia.

Cover image via @rasadibaradzi (Instagram) & New Straits Times

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Today, 8 March, Senator Datuk Ras Adiba, and 11 other women from around the world, will be honoured with the 2023 International Women of Courage (IWOC) Award at the White House in Washington, US

According to a statement released by the US Department of State, Secretary of State Anthony J Blinken and First Lady Jill Biden will host the annual ceremony.

"The IWOC Award ceremony will honour a group of 11 extraordinary women from around the world who are working to build a brighter future for all," read the announcement.

Other recipients include Dr Zakira Hekmat from Afghanistan, Alba Rueda from Argentina, and Donis Rios of Costa Rica.

Ras Adiba (centre) at the US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

Image via @rasadibaradzi (Instagram)

The US Department of State recognised Ras for her persevering advocacy of the persons with disabilities (OKU) community in Malaysia

On its official website, among 11 other profiles of inspiring women across the globe, the department said, "Ras has spent most of her professional life advancing and promoting human rights, selflessly advocating for vulnerable populations, and using her platforms to shed light on injustices in Malaysian society."

Before she was a Senator, Ras is first known as a broadcast journalist and news presenter, television presenter, and sports commentator.

"[However], she became permanently paralysed from the waist down after a spinal injury following a car accident and then a brutal assault six years after the accident," said the statement.

"Since then, she has committed her life to fighting for the rights of OKU in Malaysia."

Ras founded OKU Sentral, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) to empower the disabled community, and used her prominence in the media to raise conversations about rights and access for OKU

And the 54-year-old did all of this in a wheelchair.

In May 2020, she was appointed Senator to represent OKU in Malaysia. In November of the same year, she was also appointed the first female chair of Malaysian national news agency, Bernama — a significant designation as the country lacks women in leadership roles.

Besides her career in advocacy, Ras has also previously represented Malaysia in air rifle shooting at the Paralympic Games, and has even earned a spot in the Malaysian Book of Records for wheeling 420km in 13 days from Johor Bharu to Putrajaya.

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Image via SAYS

In 2021, Ras publicly chastised a group of youths for making fun of the disabled and filed a police report against them:

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