
Singapore Airlines Apologises To Passenger Who Found What Looks Like A Tooth In His Food

The foreign object has been sent for analysis in Melbourne.

Cover image via Blue Swan Daily & Bradley Button/Today Online

Singapore Airlines (SIA) has released a statement regarding a foreign object resembling a human tooth a passenger found in his in-flight meal on 26 February

Image via Blue Swan Daily

"We sincerely apologise to the customer for this negative experience and for the inconvenience this has caused. We expect all of our meals to meet a consistently high standard and we are disappointed in this discovery," said a SIA spokesman on Wednesday, 28 February.

The spokesman confirmed that the airline is currently investigating the incident and the object has been sent for analysis in Melbourne.

An appropriate course of action will be determined once the results of the analysis are out, The Straits Times reported.

The passenger was travelling from Wellington, New Zealand to Melbourne, Australia when he discovered a light-coloured object in his food

Bradley Button had been eating a rice dish onboard flight SQ248 when he felt a "sickening crunch". When he spat it out, he found what resembled a human tooth.

According to the passenger, the tooth was not his.

"I threw my guts up," he told Australian Associated Press.

"For the rest of the flight I was not well, just the idea of having someone else’s body part in my food is not nice," he added.

The passenger grew angrier when a flight attendant told him that the foreign object was a small rock

According to Button, the passenger next to him agreed that the object was a human tooth.

He was later given a SGD72.60 (RM219.12) voucher which can be used only for duty-free items on SIA flights, Mothership reported.

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