Tax department staff was arrested by Anti Corruption Commission (KPK) in Indonesia
Riyadi Pargono arrested after dealing with a man who allegedly bribe couriers. He became the umpteenth time tax department staff arrested for alleged corruption. when the couriers who brought the bag contained 125 millions Rupiah and Pargono were running towards each other from the opposite ways, and they meet at one meeting point. without any discussion the couriers immediately passed the bag to Pargono and then split up like there was nothing happened between 2 of them. At that moment the commission immediately caught the couriers but apparently the bribe couriers resisting. Debate and fight between them cannot be avoided, KPK was just immediately handcuffed the bribe couriers. How about Pargono? this old man also got arrested not far from the location where the bribe courier got arrested.
Minister of finance asked Anti Corruption Commission (KPK) to punish tax department staff with heavy punishment
Menteri Keuangan Agus Martowardojo mengapresiasi langkah Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi yang kembali menangkap tangan pegawai Dirjen Pajak.
kompas.comMenkeu Agus Martowardojo mengapresiasi langkah KPK yang menangkap Pargono, pegawai Pajak yang memeras pengusaha di Depok.
seputarnusantara.comThe Anti Corruption Commission (KPK) in Indonesia investigate the bribe
PR diduga menerima uang dari seorang wajib pajak berinisial AH melalui perantara berinisial RT. Dari mana KPK memperoleh informasi?
kompas.comSiapa wajib pajak yang sedang ditangani PR?
tempo.co3 Pegawai Pajak Tertangkap Tangan Oleh KPK
reportaseindonesia.comOperasi tangkap tangan yang dilakukan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, Selasa sore, berlangsung di Stasiun Gambir dan Depok.
kompas.comKPK bertugas melakukan koordinasi dengan instansi yang berwenang melakukan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi.