
The Many Feel Good Stories Of 2014 That Restored Our Faith In The Kindness Of People

It hasn't been an easy year for Malaysia. But in retrospect, there have been many heartfelt stories that put the smile back on many lips, including ours. Here's a list of few such stories.

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1. When a team of dedicated volunteers went out of their way to save two puppies on separate occasions, their selfless act taught us a very important lesson in life: you don't need special powers to help others (even animals). Empathy and a will to act are enough!

A volunteer of Animal Aid Unlimited

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2. When Mohd Kamil, a KL cabbie, amidst prejudice and growing ignorance among locals, offered to fetch blind people with guide dogs, showing us how every religion in this world teaches us to be kind to everyone, irrespective of conditions, including animals!

Mohd Kamil Affendy Hashim standing alongside the cab he drives

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FOOTNOTE: It was in response to a moving 15-minute short, titled "Are You Blind?" which highlighted how a sight-impaired businessman and his seeing eye dog were always chased out of shopping malls and prevented from boarding taxis and buses in Kuala Lumpur.

3. When Mr. Vasu's ultimate act of kindness reminded us about the change we ought to be we hope to see in others. In January this year, a lady shared how he helped her when her car ran out of petrol and got stuck in the middle lane of The Federal Highway.

Mr. Vasu.

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4. When Alaa, an ambulance driver in war-torn Syria, whose job is to attend to the injured people of the conflict, but outside his work, took it upon himself to feed the many homeless cats in Aleppo, showing us how it doesn't take much to go out of your way to care

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5. When Alex Tan from Penang lost his iPhone in Paris, but got it back after receiving a call - all the way from India. It further strengthened our belief that there are good people all around us, and they show up right when we least expect them to.

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6. When an entire town came together to help, emotionally and financially, a store owner named Avi Gandhi and his wife, who were having a rough time, teaching us how sometimes, in order to carry on, all you need is the support of the people around you

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7. When a traffic cop put a smile on Mr. Jay Sheelan's face by helping his wife and when Mr. Sheelan offered money to the cop, he refused, saying: "I've helped you today, now it's your turn to help someone else," teaching us an important lesson in kindness

Mr Jay Sheelan and Shamizon, the traffic police officer

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8. Lastly but most importantly, when a Malaysian biker group Silaturrahim Brotherhood, using their savings, repaired the pothole-ridden roads in KL by themselves, teaching us how no task is too big once we are determined enough to do it ourselves

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Tell us what do you think. You can comment below or write to us at [email protected]. You can also share it further and help others know about these good deeds performed by people in 2014.

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