
This Grab Driver's Post About Rideshare Etiquette Is A Must-Read For Every E-Hailing User

Reasonable rant.

Cover image via Ering (edited)

While being a rideshare passenger seems simple enough, many passengers overlook basic manners. Case in point, have a look at this Reddit post recently uploaded by a Grab driver.

Image via /r/malaysia

In the post titled 'A PSA For Anyone Using Grab or MYcar' on /r/Malaysia, Redditor CrunkinCrack detailed the lack of rideshare etiquette among Malaysian e-hailing users.

At the time of writing this story, the post has received over 350 Upvotes and 90 comments. 

"I've been a Grab driver for over 4 months now, and one recurring trend I've noticed among Malaysians is that y'all don't give a rats ass about someone else's car when you're getting in or are in it."

Photo for illustration purposes only.

Image via PojokSatu

CrunkinCrack said most drivers use their own personal cars to operate and it's important that riders are aware of that.

"Most of us use our own personal cars to do this job, so we like to take care of it. When you're getting into the car, close the door slowly la, no need to slam the door... I hear also feel like crying.

"When you're in the car, let's say you use tissues, keep hold onto them until you get out then throw it in the trash can, not stuff it in between the seat gaps," the Redditor ranted. 

While some drivers might want to engage in conversations, CrunkinCrack added there are others who'd prefer not to

Photo for illustration purposes only.

Image via RojakDaily

"And lastly right, no need to be rude to your driver if he's quiet or not talkative, we just assume that if you aren't talking that you'd like it to be quiet."


Other Redditors have poured in with their take on the issue. A number of riders admitted to slam shutting car doors, calling the action as more of a "bad habit".

Image via /r/malaysia
Image via /r/malaysia
Image via /r/malaysia
Image via /r/malaysia

Another Redditor added that this is all "part and parcel of being a Grab driver" and managing expectations helps to avoid disappointment

Image via /r/malaysia

Some believe it is the perceive mindset many riders have toward the ride-sharing ecosystem

Image via /r/malaysia

What about you? Do you agree or disagree with the Reddit post? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

In related news, e-hailing drivers are now required by law to follow the same set of rules and regulations as taxi drivers:

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