
If You Saw Friends Sharing That Putin Quote About Him Sending Terrorists To God, Read This

To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them to Him is up to whom, Putin?

Cover image via Kommersant Photo via Getty Images

In the wake of the Paris attacks, an incredible quote attributed to Russia President Vladimir Putin went viral via Fox News

The quote — "To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them to Him is up to me" — almost sounds like something Putin could, and would, say. But did he?

Nope! Putin didn't say those words.

You see, the quote, which was attributed to Putin, was tweeted on 17 November, by Ms Remi Maalouf who works as a news anchor for Russia Today (RT). It had been making the rounds on social media since. However, Ms Maalouf has since deleted the tweet, and clarified in a follow-up tweet that she had taken it off a post on Facebook.

So who said those words?

Well, the closest thing anyone has uttered about sending terrorists to God comes from American actor Denzel Washington. His character in the 2004 movie Man on Fire discusses who exactly is responsible for arranging meetings between bad guys and God. Hint: It's Denzel Washington's character.

Speaking of terrorists...

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