
Tourism Minister Reportedly Told A German Broadcaster There Are No Homosexuals In Malaysia

An aide to the minister has since defended him by saying that it was his personal view.

Cover image via Deutsche Welle

Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister Mohamaddin Ketapi reportedly told a German broadcaster that there are no homosexuals in Malaysia

Image via Deutsche Welle

Mohammaddin, who was in Germany for the opening of the ITB Berlin Travel Fair, was asked by reporters whether gay and Jewish visitors are welcomed in Malaysia, Deutsche Welle reported.

"Homosexuality? I don't think we have anything like that in our country," he allegedly responded.

Image via Malaysiakini

"I cannot answer whether it's safe or not," he was quoted as saying by Berliner Morgenpost.

As Malaysia is an official partner country of the fair, he had spoken for several minutes about Malaysia's natural beauty and welcoming culture before speaking to reporters, according to Deutsche Welle.

An aide to the minister has since defended his remarks, saying that the Warisan leader was likely reiterating Putrajaya's stance that "LGBT are not recognised" in Malaysia

Image via Malaysiakini

The aide, who requested to remain anonymous, explained that Mohamaddin's comment that homosexuality does not exist in the country was his own personal view, Free Malaysia Today reported.

Prior to the ITB fair, German Green Party politician Volker Beck protested over Malaysia's involvement in the event as "homophobia and antisemitism cannot be a partner country"

Image via Deutsche Welle

His comment came after Malaysia refused entry to Israel athletes participating in the World Para Swimming Championship 2019, which had been slated to be held in Kuching, Sarawak in July.

The refusal to grant visa to the Israelis led to the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) stripping Malaysia of hosting rights for the tournament, Free Malaysia Today reported.

Last week, the Minister of Tourism, Art, and Culture announced that there will be a competition to re-design the controversial Visit Malaysia 2020 Campaign logo:

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