
Tun M Listed In TIME's 100 Most Influential People Of 2019

The 93-year-old veteran was included in the Leaders' category.

Cover image via TIME

On Wednesday, 17 April, TIME's annual list of 100 most influential pioneers, leaders, titans, artists and icons of 2019 was unveiled

In its Leaders category, TIME listed world political leaders, naming Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad alongside New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern and Pakistan PM Imran Khan among the '100 Most Influential People' of 2019.

In the TIME's profile of Tun Dr Mahathir, which was penned by Sarawak Report founder Clare Rewcastle-Brown, the 93-year-old veteran is described as a formidable old warhorse who dazzled during a gruelling (election) campaign

"You don’t have to be young to fight the power.

"Take Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the former Malaysian Prime Minister who came out of retirement last year to lambaste his successor Najib Razak, who is accused of embezzling millions of dollars from the country’s 1MDB development fund. Venting moral outrage, the colloquially called Dr. M swept back to power in a landslide election victory in May 2018 at age 92," Claire wrote.

The formidable old warhorse dazzled during a gruelling campaign, gathering vast crowds; his reliance on core values united electoral groups, and his age inspired trust in a grand man of politics.
Clare Rewcastle-Brown.

Claire further noted Dr Mahathir's commitment towards handing over power to the 71-year-old PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim

"Now 93, Mohamad has committed to hand over power to the former leader of the opposition, Anwar Ibrahim, 71, whom he released from jail days after his victory.

"For Malaysia, the episode has re-established democracy in a country that almost teetered into totalitarianism," she wrote in his profile.

Image via Mkini

Recently, he spoke to the New Straits Times in an exclusive interview, addressing the legacy issues of the previous government led by UMNO and BN, stalled projects, corruption, the economy, and pace of reforms among other topics:

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