
Unemployment rate in Malaysia

Unemployment rate in Malaysia - for your info the unemployment rate in Malaysia constantly increased over the years. And not just Malaysia, the other countries are also experiencing the same problem. Here the statistic from our recent research.

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Unemployment rate in Malaysia

Unemployment rate in Malaysia - Anything regarding unemployment rate in Malaysia. A leading unemployment rate in Malaysia information on the net.

Unemployment rate in Malaysia 2013

There were around 403,600 unemployed persons in the country at the end of April, down by 8.2 percent from a month earlier. Compared to April 2012, however, unemployment increased by 5.1 percent.

Malaysia unemployment rate

Malaysia unemployment rate - The Malaysia unemployment decreased from the previous month in April, data released by the Department of Statistics. Source as below

Unemployment rate in Malaysia - April 2013

Base on our current research in April year 2013, the Malaysia unemployment rate was decreased to 3% in April of 2013. from 3.3% in March of 2013. Details as below.

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