
Used Car Dealers Splash Yellow Paint At Maxis Centre For Not Giving Them VIP Numbers

The case is currently under police investigation.

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Two men, aged 45 and 57, went to the Maxis Centre in Jalan Ampang on Saturday, 18 April, and demanded for 10 VIP numbers. However, they became annoyed when given only two numbers and told the staff that they would return for the rest.

According to City CID chief Senior Asst Comm Zainuddin Ahmad, the two men told the MAXIS staff that if they did not get the rest of the numbers that they had asked for, they would cause trouble when they returned on Tuesday, 21 April.

Both of them returned on Tuesday and became aggressive when they still did not get the numbers they had asked for, The Star reported. They caused a stir and splashed yellow paint at Menara Maxis. According to The Star, the two men made a living by selling special vehicle registration plates and phone numbers.

Yellow paint splashed on the floor of the Maxis Centre in Jalan Ampang after two men were denied ‘VIP numbers’.

Image via The Star Online

They also called in 10 of their friends to cause a scene at the lobby and started shouting at the staff manning the service counters.

Twitter user Puvanan Nadaraja, who was at the scene, tweeted:

The commotion continued before police arrived. Both men were arrested.

According to reports, police had to taser at least one of the enraged suspects to subdue him

The case is currently being investigated under Section 506 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation and Section 427 for mischief.

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