[VIDEO] A Two-Year-Old Double Amputee Walks For The First Time, Exclaiming "I Got It!"
In our FEEL GOOD FRIDAY column this week, we bring you an inspiring and extraordinary story of a two-year-old boy named Kayden, who even before the moment he was born, had mammoth obstacles to overcome, and boy, awe-inspiring is the courage with which he is overcoming them.
Meet Kayden Elijah. He was born with an abdominal wall birth defect known as opmphalocele. The defect sometimes makes organs stick out of the body.
His mother Nikki says that doctors told her that he would never survive outside of the body and suggested that she terminate her pregnancy. “God said everything would be alright,” Nikki Kinckle says.
While in the womb, Elijah had the umbilical cord wrapped around his feet, pinning them under her pelvic bone that caused some deformity. She delivered early so the omphalocele wouldn’t be as big as predicted. His spine and hip bones were fine and mentally there were no issues.
It lead to some deformity and after being born Kayden had to go through two abdominal surgeries. Then in January 2014 he had his right foot and left leg amputated.
The 2-year-old boy was then fitted with prosthetics and is now learning to walk. Nikki, his mother, posted a video of his first steps, but says it's a lot more than that.
“We celebrate his life as well and every step he takes will be to glorify God. We want the whole world to know his testimony,” Nikki Kinckle says. ” Thank you for all of your awesome responses and my family is so happy that God used Kayden Elijah Knickle to encourage and inspire so many people.”
In the video, Kayden can be seen taking his first steps on his prosthetics, while gamely telling his caretakers: "I got it!". WATCH Kayden's unsteady but determined steps:
If you'd like to help Kayden and his family, a GoFundMe campaign titled "Steppin' Out on Faith" has been launched by his family to raise money for Kayden's medical bills
“We are confident and faithful that God will make a way for him to have a wonderful life and not have to go to special schools,” said Kayden’s mother, Nikki, in the campaign. The family has raised over $56,000 towards their goal of $500,000.