
[VIDEO] Apa itu T.T.T ?

Tahukah anda Malaysia mempunyai insan T.T.T.? Tonton video ini untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut.

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Apa Itu T.T.T ?

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Tentang 'Soup Kitchen'

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KSK president Ruby Khong giving food to a homeless person in a recent weekend round to Kuala Lumpur.

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A homeless person sleeping at the Cahaya Suria building’s open carpark.

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Tahukah anda Malaysia mempunyai insan T.T.T.? Tonton video ini untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut.

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KSK delivers meal packets every evening during the weekend at various locations in the capital. The packets consist of hot food, fruits, some bread or biscuits and water.

“They tell me about families who will not accept them. A lot of them have been ostracised by their own families. It is sad because it is their families who are supposed to take care of them.

“We try to get the younger ones to go back to their families. We tell them they have a future and they cannot be doing this all their life,” he added.

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