
This Video Shows 'UFOs' That Were Sighted Over Penang Komtar

Look! Up in the sky! It's a ...?

Cover image via Wang Soon You

A video recording that allegedly shows two unidentified flying object (UFO) has surfaced on social media recently

Image via Wang Soon You

In the video, two white objects were seen flying parallel to each other while hovering near the Komtar building in Georgetown, Penang.

One Facebook user named Wang Soon You shared the video on his account yesterday, 17 January and it instantly went viral.

At the time of writing, the post has been shared over 6,000 times, with the video garnering over 300,000 views.

Posted by 王顺友 on Monday, January 16, 2017

A separate video recording which was shared by Wang revealed that a group of people had gathered together to witness the unusual sighting

Posted by 王顺友 on Monday, January 16, 2017

While many were intrigued by the sighting, quite a number of people have immediately shot down claims of visitation by extraterrestrial life

Quite a number of netizens suggested that the two objects seen in the video were drones.

Image via Facebook

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