
[VIRAL] Cara Lepas Toll Tanpa Bayar. But Why Cheat the System?

This video was widely shared on Facebook earlier this week. Why would Malaysians want to cheat the system?

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VIDEO: How to go through the toll without paying

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It's illegal to do, no matter how small the toll charge. Why would someone hate/avoid paying toll?

[VIRAL] Cara Lepas Toll Tanpa Bayar. Why Cheat the System?

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Why do we 'hate' the tolls so much?

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In most cities in the world inner city toll roads are designed like a heart bypass—to enable motorists to avoid clogged roads. U pay to avoid congestion But not in BOLEHLAND, where it is built to connect the busiest points, and to bleed motorists for as much as possible.

How long does the public need to pay to cover the cost? Instead, highways have been money-making machines for concession holders that include high profile, well-linked businessmen and companies.

The toll rates should be reduced as more motorists are sharing the 'costs'. Hence, I believe that toll rates should correlate with traffic volume and not at the mercy of highway concessiors. That way, it makes more sense for every cent spent on toll rates.

PM says 'no' to toll price increase for the next five years. Good news?

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