
Viral Video Shows Crows Nibbling On Chicken Hanging Near The Rooftop Of Melaka Restaurant


Cover image via Anjali Ragu

First, there was Raj's Banana Leaf. Now, this.

Image via Anjali Ragu

A restaurant in Melaka has been feeling the collective wrath of social media users for an unsanitary practice, which was caught on video and uploaded to Facebook by Anjali Ragu on Wednesday, 27 June. 

Anjali and her husband had spotted crows hovering over cooked chicken meat hung near the rooftop of the food outlet. 

The poultry was left unattended - much to the delight of the birds who helped themselves to a quick bite of their dead cousins

Image via Anjali Ragu

Disturbed by the situation, Anjali's husband confronted the restaurant owners about the unhygienic exercise. But they were rude and ignored the complaint, Anjali said

The viral post has caught the attention of local authorities who vowed to put a stop to such unsanitary practices

The Star Online reported that the Melaka Health Department has been ordered to shut down food outlets found to be unhygienic.

"They are given enough time to improve their cleanliness before they can reopen," state Health and Anti-Drug committee chairman Low Chee Leong said. 

Here's Anjali's full post cautioning you to always say an extra prayer or two before digging into a plate of chicken rice:

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