
Terrifying Video Shows Why You Should NEVER Beat Your Chest In Front Of A Gorilla

Don't do it, people. It's not worth it!

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First of all, whenever you're visiting a zoo, never gesture a gorilla by beating your chest. It's a sign of dominance, NOT a gentle greeting!

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Because what started out as a sweet family moment on a trip to the zoo, turned into a nightmarish moment for the onlookers

Image via Bull Dogg

In an incident that took place at the Nebraska Zoo, a gorilla nearly smashed through his glass enclosure after seeing a little girl beat her chest. You can actually see the glass crack in this video, here:

Writing on Reddit, the person who uploaded the video revealed:

"Shortly before this we were telling the kids they could not break it. They will never believe us again. Sadly the one beating her chest really started crying. I came back a couple of minutes later, and the zoo keepers were telling people to stay away."

Image via Bull Dogg

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