The White Marks On Your Nails Are Not What You Think They Are
Most of what you've been told about the white marks is simply not true.
This Is What Happens When You Flush The Toilet On An Airplane
Do they dump the waste mid-air?
The Reason Why The Bathrooms In Modern Airplane Still Have Ashtrays
It has been close to three decades since onboard smoking has been banned.
What Happens When Lightning Hits An Airplane? Has It Ever Resulted In A Crash?
'Fact Or Fake': In 2016 so far, 5 reported cases of planes being struck by lightning.
Is It Really Possible To Force Open A Plane Door During Mid-Flight?
'Fact Or Fake': We keep hearing about failed attempts to do so every now and then.
Why Airplane Windows Are Round And Not Square
They weren't always round, though. There was a time they used to be square!
What Are Birthmarks And Why Do We Get Them?
Birthmarks are not scuff marks caused by the physical process of birth.
Here's Why Airplanes Dim Lights And Keep Window Shades Open During Takeoff And Landing
It's all about survival.
15 Random Facts About Malaysia To Impress Your Friends With In Your Next Teh Tarik Session
Did you know that we are home to the longest insect in the world?
Facts That Sound So Fake You Might Want To Google All 12 Of Them
Now go blow up some minds!
Tonight You'll Have An EXTRA Second And It Could Wreak Havoc Across The Internet
In our 30th Tech Tuesday column, we look at why on 30th June 2015, an extra second will be added to it. Blink and you could miss it. It has created a lot of controversy for such a small moment and may cause other inevitable and unpredictable chaos.
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