The Japanese Have Unleashed A Meme Warfare Against ISIS For Threatening Their Country
ISIS told the Japanese people to pressure their government to pay or two Japanese hostages would die. The Japanese responded, online, using memes, mercilessly mocking the terror group.
Two 12-Year-Old Girls Stab Their Friend 19 Times Because Of A Fictional "Internet Meme"
They thought they had something to prove to someone they found on a ghoulish website. So, two girls allegedly lured a third girl into a wooded area in Waukesha, Wisconsin, over the weekend and stabbed her 19 times.
The Day The US Govt Released Their Own Doge Meme To Promote Healthcare
Much America. So wow. Very politics.
[PHOTOS] If You Had These Choices, What Would You Choose?
Given a choice to pick one, under any circumstances, what would you go for?
[PICS] Malaysians React To Najib's Mark Zuckerberg-Twitter Mistake
Najib made a rather big boo-boo on his Twitter on 26 September 2013 and this was how Malaysians reacted. Click on the images for full view.
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