The Heartbreaking Story Behind Why A Mother Has Kept Her Son In A Cage For Over 40 Years
“He can’t control himself. When he was young, quite often he would cut himself with a knife and glass debris."
What Made This Mother Almost Throw Her Young Son From 12th Floor Balcony?
'Don't anyone try to stop me!' she screamed. 'I am serious. I will kill him then myself.'
[FACT OR FAKE #28] Washing Your Hair After Giving Birth Is Not Good For Health
Women should not wash their hair for 6 weeks after they give birth, that's what they say. They also say that new mothers should always be kept warm. But why?
What Would Make A Mother Burn Her Own Son's Penis and Nipples?
A mother who burnt off her son's nipples and penis with a lighter has been jailed for 30 years. 53-year-old Christine Gelineau from Massachusetts, beat and burned the 19-year-old over the course of some weeks earlier this year.
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